Why can't I access library resources from off-campus?
Answered By: Sarah Cairns Last Updated: Jan 22, 2025 Views: 2718
When using the library's website to access electronic resources (databases, journals, e-books, etc.) off-campus, you'll be prompted to log in with your MacID credentials when you follow a link. NOTE: Your MacID is not your employee or student number.
I entered my MacID when prompted on the library website and it isn't working. Why not?
Commonly effective troubleshooting tips:
- Clear your web browser's cache or try again in a different browser (i.e. Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc.)
- MacID login credentials are case sensitive (make sure your Caps Lock key is turned off)
- Make sure you've entered your on the "Login to access Library e-Resources" page
Are your MacID login credentials working elsewhere (i.e. Mosaic, Avenue to Learn, MacMail, etc.)?
If the answer is NO:
Visit University Technology Services (UTS) for more information about accounts (including MacID, Guest, and Person of Interest/Role Based) and password management. If you require further MacID assistance, contact UTS.
If the answer is YES:
- Are you new to McMaster? You will automatically receive a MacID when your relationship to the university has been identified. There may be a short delay between when your MacID is assigned by the university and activated for library use
- Did you recently graduate from McMaster? Alumni library access is different than student access. Visit Alumni Library Access for more information and to submit an Alumni E-Resources Application
- Are you a recently retired faculty member? Please connect with to have your electronic access reinstated
- Are you a current McMaster student, faculty or staff? If you recently switched roles on campus – your access may be different. Please connect with for further assistance
- Are you trying to access resources from mainland China? You may need to be connected to a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to successfully access electronic resources through the Library website - visit this FAQ to learn more
- If you are accessing resources from a bookmark or a link in an email, try searching from the Library homepage as your starting point instead
- Is it just one specific resource that you're unable to access?
- Temporary outages may occur; clear your cache and try again later, and/or report the issue through our Off-Campus Access Problem Report form
- Some eBooks and databases are limited to a certain number of simultaneous users, This information should be noted on the item’s full record in Omni. If that’s the case, please try accessing the resource again later
- Are you seeing an error message, e.g. Error 502 “Bad gateway” or Error 400 “Bad request”?
- If the error was returned when trying to use 'get it!', visit this FAQ for more information
- Try a different device, browser or WiFi network
- Try again in a private browsing session/incognito mode
- Clear browser cache and cookies
- Update or disable any extensions or security software
- Cycle your router to reset the connection (i.e. turn it off, and then on again)
- Are you seeing a message stating that your account is blocked?
- You will need to contact UTS to reset your MacID password
Visit Off-Campus Access for more detailed information regarding remote access to library resources.
Still experiencing a problem? You can notify us of issues through our Off-Campus Access Problem Report form.
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